• Claw Named in Hottest Cannabis Brands Midwest
    Hope the fall season continues to treat you right.  Today, we're sharing Pioneer's take on Q3's hottest cannabis brands (Midwest edition) and diving into aeroponic specialists, Aeriz.  Before all of that, here are three quick thoughts:Last week on LinkedIn, we published Q3's hottest dual-state operators.  As noted in the post, Pioneer closely follows brands in the early stages...
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  • Reset Your Cannabis Tolerance
        Story via healthline Feel like cannabis isn’t working for you the way it used to? You might be dealing with a high tolerance. Tolerance refers to your body’s process of getting used to cannabis, which can result in weaker effects. In other words, you need to ingest more...
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  • Cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids? Marijuana sophistication will soon move into wine snob territory
    Marijuana is indeed a many splendored thing. While humans have been using the stuff effectively for some 6,000 years, we've only known about the active ingredients — cannabinoids — since 1940, when CBD was isolated. THC wasn't discovered until 1964 during a drive to figure out what it is in...
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  • Avoid these common mistakes while cooking cannabis edibles
    Story via: Leafly For years, I prepared my homemade cannabis edibles with the same process, blind to the small mistakes I was making along the way. Yes, I achieved a product that would do the job (sometimes too well), but I had no idea that I could improve the flavor and consistency all while...
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